Sponsor a Cat
Here at Feline Network, we believe that all cats deserve our love and support. Due to ongoing health conditions, age, or other circumstances, these cats are unsuitable to be rehomed, but we believe they still deserve our care and affection, and so we hope you'll considering sponsoring one of them!

How do I Sponsor a Cat?
Firstly, thank you very much for considering sponsoring one of our cats!
You can sponsor a cat by donating either monthly, quarterly, yearly, or as a one-off amount of as much as you want as unlike other sponsorships, there isn't a hard number!
You'll receive your own unique picture of the cat you choose to sponsor, as well as regular updates about them through our newsletter. Make sure that you contact us before donating so that we can make sure you're registered as a sponsor!
To sponsor one of our wonderful cats, please get in touch!
Our Sponsorable Cats
Click on their profiles to learn more!
Bobby is an older cat, who is with us because he is diabetic, but he is a cheeky adventurous boy, He loves his family and enjoys sitting on the table surveying the sea-scape! He once managed to get himself lost, and was found stuck in a bush !
We collected Penny from her then home in Toquay as permanent foster, 40 min drive, she was so good in the cat carrier/ car. Set up 2 rooms for just her so she could settle. Lots of different beds/blankets/box/puppy pen. Lots of places to decompress. She was so hungry and thirsty when I got her home. She is so fragile, at 21 yrs old I expected it, but still able to move freely.
Penny has settled in herself. Still weary of Charm (resident 5yr old rescue from Feline Network). They have been in the same room with both Maisie ( daughter age 13) and I. Small steps. Penny has found her voice, loves her food and isnt shy to ask. . Hoping to put a bit of weight on her to be honest.
Overall she favours Maisie 😁 she is keen to get on her lap for cuddles. She loves to be smoothed and is rubbing her head on us. Such a sweet girl. A trip to vets next week to check her over.