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Happy Endings!

We have recently had many of our cats and kittens find their forever home. We wish all the best to our families and their new additions: Tyler, Lucky, Gizmo, Gypsie, Mumu, Daisy and Petunia



Dear little 2 year old Jeanie had an operation on a cleft palate to stop her sneezing when she ate. We thought it had worked well and we found a lovely home for her but after two weeks the op ruptured and we were back with the sneezing - which was not very pleasant for her or her fosterer Lynn. Our vets have done a much more complicated operation last Friday 17th. This time she has to be tube-fed special liquid feed every 3 hours 6 times a day into a tube in her neck. Poor Jeanie! And poor Lynn who is playing nursie! Jeanie is being really good and getting used to the tube in her neck and not being allowed to eat or drink normally.
She has a follow up in a week's time and then a few more days on liquid food. She is doing well and wanting to play already so she should be ready to rehome in a couple of weeks and make someone's home really complete with a truly beautiful, friendly little girl. Please let us know if you are interested in adopting little Jeanie.
Feline Network is looking for more sponsors for Jeanie to help fund her operation and medical treatment. If you can help Jeanie get well please contact Debbie at Thank you!

Happy endings: Coco

Here is Coco, finally in her forever home and settling in nicely. We are delighted to see the latest in a long line of cats who have been successfully rehomed. Please get in touch if you can help us by volunteering, fostering, or adopting one of our cats.

A Happy Home for Charm

Today, we have a happy story from Charm, who recently found her forever home with the Symons family. Her new mum Kim shared this story with us.

"I was scrolling through Facebook and saw this little face on the Feline Network page. I fell in love and made a comment that we were interested. Never did think anything would come of it. I went on to look at the charity on Google to ensure it was an actual charity as I had not heard of them. 
We were messaged by Debbie her foster mum who invited us to meet Charm as she wanted to meet my 9 year old daughter and I to ensure we were right for Charm. Debbie was amazing giving us information about the charity and Charm. We wanted to take her home but Feline Network would not let her go until she had been spayed, fleaed, wormed and had her 2 lots of injections. Debbie kept me updated every step of the way.  In the mean time a house visit was carried out by a lovely volunteer. Looking at the premises and asking appropriate questions. An answer was given to us there and then, no waiting.  Debbie had taken the time to send us pictures of food and cat litter Charm was used to. As soon as Debbie had Charm ready we discussed the collection date. Every step went so smoothly with constant contact from Debbie. I do highly recommend Feline Network.

We'd like to thank Kim for her story and we know Charm will be very happy in her new home! We always have more cats who need a loving home, so if you'd like to find your own Charm, have a look at our Cats available for rehoming!

Gremlin, Happily Reunited
After Three Years!

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gremlin reunite.jpg

Today, we're proud to share the story of Gremlin who had been missing for three years, and our wonderful volunteer Zara who returned her home.

As part of our work, we'll regularly go out to investigate calls and messages about suspected stray cats, as was the case when our volunteer Zara sought out a grey long haired cat that was seen in the area. 

Luckily, Zara was quickly able to gain her trust and get her safely and (mostly) happily secured in a cat carrier, at which point she was able to scan her and found her microchip letting us know who Gremlin was and where she lived.

And after a quick car ride, Gremlin was happily reunited with her family after three years apart, who, as you can see from the pictures, were very happy to have her back! We'd like to thank Zara and all of our fantastic volunteers for their constant hard work, and all of you, as without your support, none of the good work we do would be possible!

Contact Us

Registered Charity Number: 1157756

Feline Network Charity Shop, 11 Torquay Road, Paignton, TQ3 3DU

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm

               Saturday 11am - 3pm

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